
Amongst the poultry range we have smaller birds such as guinea fowl, poussins and quails. These small poultry taste fine and delicate.

The pigeon : Usually tasted according to regional culinary traditions, it is a rustic and original dish.
Whole: full or Oven-ready / partly deboned (spatchcock)Cut: breasts and legs / terrine

The quail : Usually served as an appetizer, in the shape of legs or breasts, or at meal, stuffed or coated with barbecue flavourings, be careful to just-right cook it so it does not lose its tenderness. Raised for its delicate and tasty flesh, the quail satisfies the discerning palates.
Whole: Oven ready or with head on feet on / Cut: filet and thigh / terrine / fresh or cooked and peeled eggs

The poussin : Its flesh is tender and tasty. The poussin is eaten either whole and roasted or as spatchcock.
Whole: oven ready or boneless, white and yellow flesh

The guinea fowl : It is a poultry with tender flesh with a thin and coloured skin. Its taste reminds of the game meat.
Whole: ready to cook or head on / feet on Cut: supreme, tenderloin, thigh







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